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Looping Education Program

Cherry View Elementary offers a program called Looping, or sustained teaching, in an effort to give parents a program option in how their children are served. In the Looping program, students stay with the same teacher for two years instead of one. It is believed that staying with the same teacher for two years will help maximize time use and provide continuity for the student moving into the second year. The teacher will already be familiar with their student’s social, emotional, and academic needs.  Another advantage of this program is that very little instructional repetition and curriculum overlap occurs, as the teacher would know what had been covered in the previous year.  Finally, parents and teachers develop a closer working relationship over the two-year period.

Registering for the Looping Program

If you are interested in having your child entered into the lottery for the Looping Program for the 2022-23 school year, please complete the registration form before April 29, 2022.